Finding the Item SKU Number
Logic of English® has provided several ways to locate our product SKU numbers.
Step 1: On our Logic of English Webstore, you will need to click on the heading for the curriculum you are interested in on the blue bar.
Step 2: Once you click a heading, the sort and filter page will display. You can click on the subcategories on the left side and even filter by handwriting style and product format (print, PDF, MP3, or eLearning).
Step 3: Click on the set or item. The SKU is displayed beneath the name and item price. If choosing an item with a specific handwriting style, be sure to click the handwriting style before notating the SKU number as it will change.
Quote Builder
If you are using our School Quote Builder, once you submit an official quote request you will receive a copy of the submission email that includes a link to your quote request. The final quote request has a consolidated list at the bottom with SKUs, quantities, titles, and prices.