How to Request a School Quote
To request an official quote, please visit our School Quote Builder.
You'll find two sections to choose from:
New Implementations
For those researching LOE curriculum or planning a school adoption:
- Answer a quick questionnaire about the students, teachers, and grades for whom you would like a quote.
- See an editable list of recommended items and quantities, along with prices and any applicable discounts.
- Generate a draft quote. Please note you can click on the NOTES section to see customized recommendations based on your responses with information about placement, implementation guidance, and Year 2 materials.
- Share your draft quote with colleagues.
- If you wish, request an official quote based on your draft.
For those who are already using the LOE curriculum and know the items and quantities to order:
- View a list of student items, popular teacher items, and training options.
- Enter the quantities you need and view any applicable discounts.
- Use your draft quote to build your own PO or submit a request for an official quote.
When your quote is complete, you may choose to select the green button that says “Request Official Quote” at the bottom of your screen. This information will come directly to our School Support Team. Our team will work to finalize your official quote, offer support, apply any additional discounts, and provide an exact shipping cost.