PDF Digital Downloads
After you purchase a PDF from our webstore, you will receive an email that contains your order confirmation and a link to download your file(s). Sometimes this email ends up in the SPAM or junk folder. We recommend that you look there if it appears outside your inbox.
NOTE: An order confirmation and links are sent to the email address entered on your order or whatever the default email is with any payment service used (i.e., PayPay, Google Pay, Apple Pay). Please make sure you enter your email address correctly.
The order confirmation email begins this way:
Thank you for placing your order with Logic Of English! This email is to confirm your recent order. You can download your digital products from: https://transactions.sendowl.com/orders/shopify_return/167858?order_id=867530987654&email=happycustomer@logicofenglish.com |
Please note that the file is available for 365 days. After 365 days, the link will no longer be active, and you will have to purchase the item again to download it.
Click on the link in the email to access the download page. It looks like this:
From this page, download the product. The product will download to your device. Please be sure to look for it where you normally find downloaded items on that device. We recommend saving to cloud storage in case you experience a hardware failure.
ZIP Files
Most of our products are ZIP files. A ZIP file is a type of file format that contains compressed files and folders and has an ending of “zip”. Most devices have built-in software for opening zip files.
Opening a zip file is different for different devices. You may only need to double-click the file, or you may need to extract the file. Choose “extract” or “extract all” if you see those as options. Once extracted, another version of the file will appear next to the original zip file. Open this file to access your product.
If you are unable to open your ZIP file, do an Internet search for your device name followed by “open zip file”. You should find step-by-step directions on the internet for opening the file.
Printing Video Directions
For more information about accessing your digital products and our digital store policies, see Digital Downloads.
For trouble locating or printing your digital downloads, see PDF Troubleshooting.