Trouble Logging On or Accessing Courses
Check Username
If your eLearning purchase was made on our webstore, the system will default to the email used for purchasing.
If you used express checkout, the course will be associated with the express checkout email regardless of what you used to log in. Look for the order confirmation email to know what email is associated with the course.
If someone else bought the course for you, please have the purchaser read eLearning Purchasing for Schools.
If you would like a different email address associated with your eLearning account, follow the directions for Changing the Email or Password. Please note, two accounts cannot have the same email address. You cannot enter a new email address if that email is already associated with an eLearning account.
If you think you may have entered a typo in your email address, please contact us.
Check Password
The eLearning sign-in screen has a “Forgot your password” option at the bottom.
Users can also create accounts using social media. Check to see if one of these was used to create the account.
If you are not able to use the “Forgot your password” feature, you likely created your account with social media. In that case you will use your social media password to log in.
Check Browser
We recommend using Google Chrome for our eLearning courses. If you are having trouble getting to the sign-in screen or the page keeps crashing, please ensure that Chrome is up to date. Restart your browser and try again. If Chrome is up to date and you are having issues, please clear your browser history.
Check Logins
Our eLearning accounts are designed for one user to log into one device at a time. If you try to have multiple users log in at the same time or do not log out of one device before logging into another device, your account will show zero courses. To remedy this, simply log out of all devices and log into one. For more information see Multiple Students on One eLearning Account.
Check Profile
If you have a subscription to a course that has been retired, it will no longer show under “All Courses.” Always access your courses by going to “My Account” and then “Profile.”
On your profile page scroll down to view your courses.
Check Subscription
You can purchase a one-year non-renewing subscription to our eLearning products. Access to your course begins the day the course access is purchased. When the subscription expires, the course will be removed from your account. To check your access period see eLearning Course Access Period.