Teacher’s Role in Essentials Online
Teachers play a key role in student learning with Essentials Online. While much of the course can be completed independently, the success of independent online learning depends on the preparation of the student for independent work and the student’s ability to monitor their own learning. Teachers should carefully monitor student progress to determine when more teacher intervention is needed. Below is a list of areas where teachers will need to have an active role.
Teacher’s Role
- Teachers will help with basic elements including navigation of the course, downloading, printing needed materials, and troubleshooting technical issues.
- Part 5 of every unit in Essentials is an assessment of student progress. Teachers will need to download the PDF assessments and complete the assessments with their students.
- Teachers will monitor the progress of students as they complete digital activities. At this point, data from the online activities are not recorded, so teachers will need to monitor progress.
- Teachers will monitor student progress on interactive activities and ensure students are following the procedures described in the videos. (For example, students are saying the sounds out loud as they complete the spelling analysis.)
- Teachers may need to help students with scheduling and pacing, as not all unit parts will take the same length of time.
For more teaching strategies see: Independent Learning with Essentials Online