Teachers’ Role with the Foundations Online Supplement
The Foundations curriculum is designed for young students. As such it is designed as a supplement to the printed curriculum, and the teacher’s role is critical for the learning process. There is no expectation that young students can learn to read on their own by simply using online resources.
Teachers’ Role
- Teachers will use the Foundations planning guide to design the lesson. They will then determine what will be taught with the Teacher’s Manual and what will be taught using Foundations Online.
- Teachers will monitor the progress of students throughout the lesson through both hands-on and digital activities. At this point, data from the online activities are not recorded, so teachers will need to monitor progress.
- Teachers will monitor student progress on interactive activities and ensure students are following the procedures described in the videos. (For example, students are saying the sounds out loud as they complete the spelling analysis.)
- Teachers will complete the lesson assessments from the Teacher’s Manual and adjust the lessons as needed.
Foundations A Planning Guide Using the Foundations A Online Supplement Video
Foundations B Planning Guide Using the Foundations B Online Supplement Video
Foundations C Planning Guide Using the Foundations C Online Supplement Video
Foundations D Planning Guide Using the Foundations D Online Supplement Video