Foundations A - Current Edition and Version Compatibility
All editions of the Foundations A books and materials are compatible with each other. Some materials are in a new edition, but the changes do not affect compatibility. If you are considering upgrading to a more recent version, this article provides an overview of changes we have made over the years.
Foundations A Edition History
- Foundations A Teacher’s Manual
- Foundations A Student Workbook
- Foundations A Readers
- Core Materials With Minor Changes
- Materials With No Relevant Changes
Foundations A Teacher’s Manual
Second Edition (Current Edition) published in 2019. 248 pages.
- No significant changes or additions to lesson content.
- The expanded Scope & Sequence table in the introduction now includes all the skills covered in each lesson.
- The relabeled section headers within each lesson more clearly highlight the specific skills students are learning.
- New callouts suggest playing phonogram songs from Doodling Dragons ABC Songs as students learn each new phonogram.
First Edition published in 2013. 231 pages.
Foundations A Student Workbook
First Edition (Cursive and Manuscript) published in 2013.
- Only minor corrections.
Foundations A Readers
The set of six Foundations A Readers are located in the back of the Foundations A Student Workbook. For more information, see our article about the Foundations A Readers.
Core Materials With Minor Changes
The following items have had minor changes. The revisions to these Core Materials do not impact Foundations A lessons since the updated materials do not come into the lessons until Foundations B-C.
Materials With No Relevant Changes
The following items have had no relevant changes that affect use with Foundations A:
- Doodling Dragons: An ABC Book of Sounds
- Rhythm of Handwriting Tactile Cards
- Rhythm of Handwriting Quick Reference
- Spelling Analysis Quick Reference
- Student Whiteboard